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Loyola Catholic School Strategic Plan

MNSAA approved for 2020-2024

Minnesota Nonpublic School Accreditation Association

At the heart of our strategic plan is our mission of leading through faith, academic excellence, and service. These goals demonstrate our continued commitment to providing Christ-centered learning through Catholic education in the Mankato community. The objectives and strategies of our plan are outlined below.

To view the full Strategic Plan with detailed timelines and action steps, please click here. (Last updated Oct. 27. 2022)

Pillar 1: Faith

- Strategy 1.1.1. Develop Missionary Disciples by incorporating opportunities for students to experience transformational encounters with Jesus as peer witnesses and facilitators of faith sharing through Campus Ministry activities
- Strategy 1.1.2. Develop an intentional scope and sequence of faith topics for K-12 Theology classes

Pillar 2: Academic Excellence

- Strategy 2.2.1. Implement a teacher evaluation system that supports the development of best instructional practices
- Strategy 2.2.2. Build a comprehensive and ongoing professional development plan with opportunities for teachers to learn how to implement best instructional practices, including differentiated instruction, personalized learning, and data-driven instruction
- Strategy 2.2.3. Execute a faculty Capital Campaign element to support the recruitment and retention of teachers by raising funds to supplement faculty salaries

- Strategy 2.3.1. Develop and implement a multi-year technology plan that supports the utilization of technology to enhance learning for all students and staff
- Strategy 2.3.2. Modify high school programming and offerings retain and attract students through hands-on learning experiences
- Strategy 2.3.3. Implement a Student Support Services Program to support learning needs at all levels

Pillar 3: Leadership

- Strategy 3.1.1. Increase enrollment by marketing to new students
- Strategy 3.1.2. Strengthen LCS community connections in order to increase student retention for each transition level
- Strategy 3.1.3. Develop a long-term facilities plan that communicates the vision for Loyola Catholic School, including how our buildings and grounds will support future growth
- Strategy 3.1.4. Execute a facilities Capital Campaign element to enhance our home by raising funds to support renovations to fully utilize our space for learning, including flexible learning spaces

- Strategy 3.2.1. Develop a business plan that articulates the revenue streams that will cover the costs of the school
- Strategy 3.2.2. Establish a yearly process to maintain a three-to-five year budget projection
- Strategy 3.2.3. Grow the Annual Fund by 5-7% annually to meet the needs of academic excellence

Pillar 4: Service

- Strategy 4.1.1. Develop a service opportunities schedule that intentionally and strategically integrates service experiences into the LCS educational experience for all learners