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The Loyola Volunteer Team was created to foster an environment for shared ownership of our school community by promoting goodwill, cooperation, and communication between families, school staff, administration, and the Greater Mankato Area community. 
The Loyola Volunteer Team’s goal: To assist Loyola families, leadership and staff by:

  • Creating a welcoming community to new families and prospective students.
  • Encouraging current families to come together and know one another.
  • Encouraging and organizing family participation and volunteer opportunities.
  • Continuing to foster a sense of school support, pride, and enthusiasm.
  • Serving as a resource for communication between parents and school.
  • Celebrating and supporting our Loyola staff and administration by sponsoring staff appreciation events.
  • Strengthening the presence of Loyola in the community.

The Loyola Volunteer Team does not:

  • Set policies
  • Discipline students
  • Get involved in personnel/HR matters
  • Develop or approve curriculum nor instructional materials

The Loyola Volunteer Team is sponsored by Catholic United Financial.
For more information, contact: Stephanie Wright at